Monday, October 24, 2011

Vegan Diet:Day 6

Another day where my appetite is almost non existent, I think a trip to the doctors office is needed. I ate a couple of whole grain crackers with some peanut butter but only one actual meal. Since I didn't get a chance to make seasoned potatoes yesterday I tried them today. I had some lentils already cooked from Trader Joe's so that accompanied my potatoes. 

I seasoned these with some parsley,onion,salt,pepper and paprika. 
Then I tossed them with some oil.

I am going to try and eat some pineapple slices later hopefully I can keep it down.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vegan Diet:Day 5

My appetite hasn't been very big today, It might be because I feel a little sick I think. I skipped breakfast this morning, because I wasn't hungry or feeling that great. Then after giving my cat a bath I ate a cupful of cherries and relaxed until lunch time. For lunch I hate some rice,beans and avocado. I just looove avocados, although today I couldn't eat more than a small slice. I basically only drink water all day long so that doesn't really change. Anyway for dinner I wanted to make some seasoned potatoes, and thought I would try to use a pressure cooker to cook them. This was my first time ever using one and I left it cooking too long I guess, so I ended up with very soft potatoes. I ended up having to make some mashed potatoes with it instead. Not exactly what I was looking for but it sated my hunger. 

I forgot that I couldn't use milk so instead I used some 
water to help make it creamier,adding butter also.

They came out creamy enough.
I made some seitan with some garlic,paprika,
basil,salt and pepper.
I cooked some broccoli and lightly seasoned it with
 lemon,salt and pepper. Then I cut up a little avocado 
and seasoned it just like the broccoli. 

And so that was my dinner,accompanied by a bottle of water of course. I ended up eating only have of the avocados but ate the rest. Hopefully I don't feel as crummy tomorrow so that I can cook something more challenging.

Making Changes

I have been thinking of putting up some inspirational quotes onto my bedroom walls. I want to see them every time upon waking and have them remind me of what I should be focused on. I'm still not sure if I want the quotes to encompass the entirety of one wall or just part of it. Today I took the time out to pick some quotes but the challenge is narrowing them down to pick the ones that embody my journey. Here are some I want to share:

"Every ceiling,when reached, becomes a floor, upon which one walks as a matter of course and prescriptive right."

"It is not enough to take steps which may some day lead to a goal; each step must be itself a goal and a step likewise."

"In absence of clearly defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily acts of trivia."

"There is no failure except in no longer trying."

"Disappointments are to the soul what thunderstorms are to the air."

"Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action."

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Vegan Diet:Day 4

So today is my fourth day being Vegan and so far its been ok, although I have been craving sweets to be honest. This morning I had a smoothie consisting of a pear and pineapple with a little yogurt, both fruits balanced each other nicely. I have also been snacking on dried cranberries in between meals, they are just so tasty! For lunch I decided I wanted a bagel so I used some rice cheese,hummus and tomatoes.The combination is sooo good,normally I put some olive oil and vinegar on my tomatoes but today I only used salt and pepper. I bought these whole grain bagels that are soo soft and good, there only came three in the pack and I'm down to my last one. That means a grocery shopping trip is in order soon, I'm also running low on hummus. Also since I somehow missed that the rice cheese has dairy in it, so I have to get some daiya next time. I figured since its the first week I can just count it as weening off slowly, but next week no excuses. I figure I've been good at cutting it out dairy in everything else so I will allow myself this respite. I'm thinking to use it all I will make some lasagna tomorrow that way I won't have it around to use afterwards. 

I toasted my bagel a bit then placed some cheese atop
one side of the bagel.

Then I took my organic plain hummus and spread it atop 
the cheese.

Then I added some slices of tomato and sprinkled some
salt and pepper on top and put the top of the bagel on.

Some of the oats fell off the bagel but it still was delicious.

I cut it in half and enjoyed it with a nice cup of cold water.

Now I'm off to make myself some dinner, very simple meal in fact just some rice,beans and a salad. I'm taking advantage of the fact that there was already rice and beans cooked in my house, it takes the work out of thinking of what to eat.