Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Nutcracker

Yesterday I was fortunate enough to see The Nutcracker Ballet at Lincoln Center. It was an early Birthday gift to myself. The Nutcracker is one of my favorite ballets so I wanted to see it before the season was over. The performance was wonderful, what really stood out to me other than the dancing were the costumes and sets which were done beautifully. Here are just a few photos I took whilst there.

So pretty especially during the winter time

Beautiful theater, I was on the second tier 

I could see the orchestra pretty close

The first floor, I like how it looks like a set in this photo 

Big beautiful statutes

The Nutcracker, a ballerina and Mother Ginger (not featured)

The fountain outside of Lincoln Center

Pretty Christmas tree across the street from Lincoln Center

Chuck Bass!

What I wore: Cobalt blue skater dress from Express here , I paired it with a black blazer(but a cardigan would have worked better), a black patent belt, black tights and black flats from asos here

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tempeh Tuesday's

I've decided to have a theme for certain days, Tuesday being about Tempeh dishes. If you don't already know what tempeh is I will tell you a little about it.

Tempeh is slightly fermented soybeans cooked and constructed to form a patty. It is high in protein, calcium, iron, is cholesterol free and low in fat. It has a grainy almost nutty texture and a very slight nutty flavor. It can be baked, boiled, fried or barbecued which makes it a great alternative to meat. It is higher in protein than tofu. If you do not like tofu, tempeh might be a good choice for you.

I absolutely love tempeh and think it's a shame I wasn't introduced to it much sooner. I use tempeh in alot of different dishes that I make because it is so simple and easy to prepare. There are countless ways of using tempeh and I specifically like to use it as a substitution for any dishes that might contain meat. I try not to eat too much tempeh because it is soy and I like to limit the amount of soy I intake as a whole. I still am not 100% on the tofu bandwagon (but I am slowly getting there) so tempeh is the best alternative for me. I use it in tacos, as burgers, you name it.

For this TempTuesday I will share a really quick and easy lunch idea that I made for myself.

I wanted some type of sandwich or burger even but rather than make a veggie patty I decided to make some barbecue tempeh.
Super simple all you will need is: Bread, Tempeh (can be half a package or less depending on how much you want), Greens (I used lettuce and tomatoes but whatever greens you want is up to you), Vegan Mayo (I used Vegenaise), 1 tsp Nutritional Yeast, BBQ sauce (either homemade or a vegan friendly brand. Optional: Paprika (I seriously add it on almost everything), garlic, salt and pepper.

I opted out of toasting my bread because I wanted it soft. I smeared some vegenaise on one side then sprinkled the nutritional yeast on it because it would adhere rather than fly everywhere when I tried to eat it later. Then I placed the lettuce and tomatoes on top of the mayo and yeast and sprinkled a little salt and pepper.

In a pan I pan seared the tempeh that I cut in half with garlic, paprika, salt, pepper and barbecue mix. I let it cook until it was golden on both sides and then placed it on the other side of the bread.

It was so simple and took 5 minutes top! Definitely filling and worth the effort to make.

I say go out and get some tempeh so you can try it out for yourself, the most I've paid for a package of tempeh is 2.99. They even come mixed with other grains if you like. So its a definite affordable substitution.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Cheesy Scones

I wanted to get back into baking and saw a relatively easy and quick recipe for Cheesy scones. I've never made scones so this was a first time thing for me, I did add and change a little bit of the recipe.

The ingredients are:
2 cups All purpose flour
4 tsp baking powder
Pinch of salt
1/2 cup vegan butter or shortening
1/2 cup Daiya Cheddar style shreds
1 cup Soy Milk or other non-dairy substitute
*I added 1 tbsp of Flax and 1 tbsp of Nutritional yeast

For cooking instructions simply click on the link above which will take you to the page.

The one thing I swapped out was the Daiya Cheddar and I used the Daiya Mozarella instead. I had a package of mozzarella opened and figured I would use that up instead of opening the cheddar. As a whole it was really easy to make and came out good. My only complaint would be that it didn't rise as much as I would have liked (but that could be due to the thickness of when I rolled it out to cut) and it wasn't very  cheesy (but that's because I used the mozzarella instead of cheddar).

I'm definitely going to give this a try again and make my own adaptations.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Update of Sorts

So I've found myself in a bit of a rut, food wise. At the beginning of my vegan journey I was so enthused about cooking new different dishes, and now I'm not. I keep blaming it on the season, saying because it is hot outside I don't want to cook anything too complicated. Honestly its a little bit of that mixed with allowing myself to get comfortable with minimal effort.

I find that my meals now (maybe 90%) center around rice and beans. Not that I don't like rice but it gets so boring eating it so much during the week that I've become uninterested in really cooking. It's become more of a need to eat to sustain myself rather than cook and eat because I like it. Nothing I've eaten has actually satisfied me in months, if I'm being honest the last time I had a satisfying meal was around Christmas.
I'm tired of not enjoying anything I eat, I should derive another emotion other than apathy.

So because of this I am going to make a huge effort into cooking again, I'm going to try out some recipes and see if I get that spark back. I have also been considering going Gluten-free and at least 50% Raw but rather than do them both I think I will have to try one at a time. I want to try Gluten-free first but something tells me that it will be harder for me to do than becoming 50% raw. Anyway everything in baby steps, right?

Thursday, July 12, 2012


A couple weeks back I had a hankering for this Puerto Rican dish. It is a plantain based dish that is traditionally filled with fried pork skin. Although Mofongo comes with different variations like chicken, beef, shrimp etc. Never having made this before and knowing that I wouldn't be able to get a vegan version in a restaurant I decided to make my own. This dish is a bit time consuming and not something that can really be made with a small amount of time. Nonetheless it's delicious and should be given a try at least once. To accompany the Mofongo a pot of rice and gandules/peas were made.

4 green plantains (will make two Mofongos)
4 slices of Vegan Bacon
Olive Oil
Garlic (preferably pureed)  
Salt and Pepper to taste
Vegetable Oil for frying
Pilon (similar to a pestle and mortar only made of wood and taller.
Deep cup (something like a coffee cup)
Optional: Water to boil

* You can cook your pieces of  vegan bacon before the plantains or afterwards. I like sprinkling a bit of salt on them because I think it gives it more of a realistic flavor. Also cook the bacon until crispy but not burnt, just enough to make it easy to crumble.

1. Peel the skin off of the plantains. Cutting the plantains in wheels make sure to cut them somewhere around 1/2 inch to an inch in length. If they are too small it will later make it hard to mash them.

2. Set the cut plantains in a bowl of salt water for about 5-10 minutes.

3. Take a pan and pour some vegetable oil (enough to cook the plantains). Let the oil heat up before the next step.

4. Drain the plantains and place the wheels in the pan to cook on low-medium heat. Make sure you cook the plantains evenly on both side enough so that it is cooked inside but isn't crispy on the outside. You do not want to fully fry the plantains.

5. Set the cooked plantains aside on a plate with some paper towels to drain some of the oil. *You want to work while the plantains are still hot, if you let them sit too long it will be harder to mash them when they are cold.

6. Now take some of the wheels of plantains and place it in your pilon OR your deep coffee cup. If using the cup find something suitable to mash the plantains like a mortar. Mash the plantains up together adding some olive oil (not too much) and some garlic, salt and pepper (to be fair I use adobo instead of the salt and pepper). Do not over mash the plantains you want them to mix together but they don't have to be all completely mashed since its common to find some unmashed pieces in mofongo. Also add in the bacon (1 or 2 pieces per mofongo) at this time making sure to crumble it in. *You can add in more olive oil if the plantains are too dry, not too much to make it greasy but enough to adhere everything sufficiently together.

7. Flatten the top of the plantain's that you have mashed and using a knife run it around the mix to make it easier to get it out of the pilon or cup. 

8. I like to set a flat plate above the opening of the cup or pilon and then turn them both upside down so that the mofongo can go onto the plate flat side down. 

9. You now have it plated and can serve with some rice and beans or by itself. 

*Mofongo is normally served with a sauce on the side called Mojo which is basically a Garlic sauce. It is very easy and quick to make, you will need:

Vegetable oil
Adobo/ Salt and Pepper

The measuring is up to you but basically you are mixing all three ingredients together and the amount of garlic you put in depends on how garlicky it will taste. You pour a bit of it onto your mofongo and it gives it yet more flavor.

*OPTIONAL: Another way to make the mofongo if you do not feel like standing over a stove watching the plantains to ensure that they do not get crispy is to boil them. This is a more time saving way and simpler I dare say. You simply have to cut the plantains and boil them in a pot of salt water. Let them cook until they are cooked all the way through but not overcooked, 5-10 minutes will do. After draining the water roughly mash them and place them in a pan with a little bit of olive oil. Let them get a bit crunchy and then place them into your pilon or cup to mash and mix with the ingredients. Follow the rest of the steps above and you will get the same end result. 

This is a delicious dish that is easy to adapt. I enjoy making these and my family enjoys eating them. 

Give it a try and enjoy!

Vegan Tacos

For the past month or so I have been a bit obsessed with eating taco's, actually more than when I used to eat meat. Funny story sort of concerning tacos. So when I was around 11 I stopped eating tacos and it wasn't until many years later that I tentatively gave them a chance again. At the time I was playing a round of card games with some friends while we ate tacos and someone happened to make a funny joke that caused me to laugh. Well it so happened that I was chewing right when I laughed and a piece of the taco shell lodged sideways in my throat. I was choking on it for a minute before it ended up dislodging and I was able to breath albeit with a sore throat. Since that moment I steered clear of tacos having been traumatized a bit. Now though I have fully embraced the greatness that are tacos and eat them often. I use hard and soft taco shells depending on my mood but one thing I always make sure it to avoid talking or laughing while I'm eating them.

Moving on here is my recipe for Taco's

Depending on how many taco's you are going to make you can add more or less. This recipe is to make 4 tacos

4 soft taco shells/4 hard shell tacos
1/4 of an Onion (you can puree or just chop the onions, it all depends on your taste)
1/2 tbsp of Paprika
1/2 tsp of Chili Powder 
1 clove of garlic
Salt and Pepper to taste
Taco sauce ( you can make it or if lazy then use a pre packaged one like Ortega)
1/4 package of tempeh (cut into cubes)  OR 1/2 small package of Soy Crumbles (Can be any brand, I tend to buy LightLife's Ground Crumbles but use what you have)
1/2 cup Shredded Cheese OR 1 tbsp of Nutritional Yeast (Can be any kind of cheese and doesn't even have to be shredded really. I like to use Daiya or half a slice of Rice cheese if that's what I have)
Refried Beans (If getting store bought refried beans make sure they are vegan friendly. Or you can just use whole washed and cooked beans)
Unlimited Greens (Any kind of vegetable topping you like to put on tacos, like tomatoes and lettuce. I've used spinach or string beans even and some sprouts, it depends on your taste)
Optional: Guacamole (home made or store bought doesn't matter. I will be posting a recipe for some home made guacamole)

*If you are using whole beans make sure to cook and drain them prior to cooking your Soy Crumbles/Tempeh.
*If you are not using store bought guacamole make sure to have it ready before you make your tacos.

1.Using a non stick pan place your soy crumbles in or if using tempeh then put those in.

2.Taking your onion, paprika, chili powder, garlic, salt and pepper mix those into your "meat" of choice. Let them cook together for about 2-3 minutes to ensure they are well seasoned. You can add your taco sauce in to cook or just top it as a sauce on your taco.

3.After cooking your filling you can start cutting up whatever greens are going inside your tacos.

4. Now you can start assembling your taco's. I like placing the beans on the bottom then my tempeh or soy, followed by the cheese and sauce then topped with my choice greens.

These taco's are so good I can't even remember how they tasted when I did eat meat. Everything in this recipe is easily interchangeable.

Plate, serve and enjoy!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


DOMPLINES (Puerto Rican Dumplings)

4 cups of of flour (Can be regular flour or whole wheat)
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons butter room temperature or melted (you can also use lard)
1 cup lukewarm water
1/2 teaspoon salt
OPTIONAL: 1/2 teaspoon sugar
Vegetable oil for frying

Mix the baking powder, flour and salt together. Slowly add in the warm water as you mix it together. I melted the butter and added it in. Knead the dough until its similar to the consistency of pizza dough. If its too dry just add some more water, enough so that everything sticks together and you can get it into a big ball. 
Let the dough rest for a couple minutes if you'd like and then go into separating it. If its sticking to your hands or your surface just dust some flour over it and roll out into a thin circle or half a circle shape. Because you're making them thin you don't need to take so much dough since it will be flattened out. 
Then just fry them in some vegetable oil and soak up the grease afterwards. All you need is to make a plate of beans to accompany it and you're done.

The dough should look something like this (I used whole wheat flour this particular time). It should be pliable enough to be molded into a ball without sticking to the sides of whatever it is in.

The end result plated with some red kidney beans.

The great thing about this recipe is that it is suitable for Vegan's and meat lovers. No animal 

products needed and its quick and simple.

Give this a try and enjoy!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dominican Breakfast

This is a good breakfast option for anyone that might be tired of the standard varieties. Being half Dominican I have been eating this for years, it's called Mangu. It is a breakfast staple among Dominicans and consists of eggs, Dominican salami, Dominican white cheese and mashed plantains. I actually love eating this but since giving up animal products have had to alter some of it.

Here is what you'll need: Green plantains(1-2 is fine for a single serving), olive oil, water, lemon, onions, Adobo, tofu (firm or extra firm), turmeric, pepper, paprika, vegan sausage (I just used pepperoni slices because it was at hand)

1. Cut off the ends of the plantains and take off the skin. If you don't know how to take the skin off take your knife and cut a line down one side then go in and peel it. 

2. Next cut up the plantains into like two or three pieces just to make it cook faster. Place the pieces into a pot of water and bring it to a boil. To determine if the plantains are cooked a knife inserted into them should be easy to do. You don't have to worry about overcooking them since we are going to be mashing them up.

3. After the plantains are done mash them up as you would with potatoes. Add in generous amounts of olive oil while mixing so make it softer and not quite creamy but almost. You can add in your seasonings also so some Adobo (to taste) and a bit of lemon juice (to taste). If it is still a bit dry add a bit of water from the batch that it was boiled in.

4. If you want to add onions to your Mangu then fry them in a pan and add them to the plantains that you mashed and seasoned.

5. Taking your vegan sausage cook it as you would normally, I would use a pan and with a bit of oil make it a bit crunchy. Which happens to be what I did to my pepperoni slices.

6. If you buy blocks of vegan cheese then you can easily cut a slice and heat it up then plate it. I didn't use cheese this time, but if I did I would just melt some shredded mozzarella on top because that's what I normally have on hand.

7. Cook your eggs as you normally would season them and plate them with the rest of the food. I like seasoning mine with some salt, pepper, paprika and turmeric.

So this is a hearty breakfast and an alternative to eating bread or sweets for breakfast. It is fairly simple to make and tastes delicious.

This is a picture of how someone would make Mangu with real cheese,eggs and salami 

Give it a try and enjoy!

Egg and Cheese Sandwich

So I have been craving an egg and cheese sandwich for like a week or so and finally this morning decided to give it a try. Occasionally I will make scrambled tofu but generally my breakfast consists of just toast with butter and some nutritional yeast. I woke up to find my mother cooking scrambled eggs and omeletes and felt inspired to make my own version.

Taking a pain I put a small amount of oil and threw in some sliced onions. Letting it cook for like a minute I then threw in some paprika, tumeric, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Normally to season my "eggs" I don't add poultry seasoning but I actually quite like the taste it gives it.

Crumble in the tofu and stir all the ingredients together so that it is well seasoned. Then in the meantime I just popped my bread into the toaster, lightly buttering one side.

Depending on whether you are going to use any mock meat you can start cooking it now also. I decided to use some pepperoni slices which I threw into the pan with the eggs to cook.

Once you see that the tofu is cooked (it doesn't take long) then you can add in your cheese, I used mozzarella. I just let it melt and then took my bread out of the toaster and placed it inside of it. Once my pepperoni's were as crunchy as I wanted them I added them on top of the egg and cheese. Also while the bread is still hot from the oven I sprinkled some nutritional yeast onto the side that was buttered.

*Since tofu can get cold really quick you want to space everything out so that it will still be warm by the time you plate it and go to eat it.

I had my sandwich with some water and an orange. The sandwich is filling and tasty, I might even go so far to say that it tastes better than a real egg and cheese sandwich. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I have been trying to get more fruits into my diet because I hardly eat them, so I have been making them into smoothies. I try to get my 5 a day but if not at least 3 is better than nothing. I've made two different kind of smoothies the last couple of days and besides that I have also been eating an insane amount of clementines. 

The first smoothie I made (which I like to make for the color honestly) is what I call my pink smoothie. It has strawberries, banana, pineapple, soy milk/yogurt and oats. I love oatmeal and since being vegan I have only made it once successfully so whenever I can put oats into a recipe I do. I did figure out the trick to get my oatmeal the consistency I want it to be, just like it was when I used regular cows milk but I'll do a post on that another time. 

Okay so the second smoothie that I've made contains blueberries, apple, banana, oats, soy milk/yogurt and some superfood. I bought an individual packet of a green superfood at wholefoods just to give it a try and see if I liked it. I blended everything together then at the very end I added only like 1 tbsp of the superfood (I was only making 1 serving of my smoothie). It didn't alter the color in anyway but there was a slight taste of the superfood that peeked through, not immensely but noticeable. The smoothie was actually quite sweet with all the fruits so it masked the taste of the superfood pretty well I think.

I quite enjoy having my smoothies early morning as like a starter to my breakfast that way I get my servings of fruit out of the way and don't have to worry about getting them. I'm going to try and do a smoothie a day that way I get into the habit of it. Its really easy and quick to make, the only thing that I hate doing is cleaning the blender afterwards.


So I haven't posted any new food posts this year, mainly because I've been in a cooking slump. I haven't been in the mood to cook and really I haven't had much of an appetite. Most of my meals have been fairly simple or ones I have already done so they haven't been blog worthy. I'm going to get back into the swing of things and cook new things. I have been thinking of maybe getting a really good vegan cookbook and challenging myself to cook from it for like a month or so. I could stand to learn more recipes and it's a way to get me out of my comfort zone and be more creative with cooking. I already have a couple of cookbooks but none of them are vegan which is why I'm thinking of buying one. Or I could make it a bit more interesting and challenge myself further to adapt the recipes in the cookbook into vegan alternatives.
Nonetheless I will be posting new recipes by the end of this week or by Monday the latest, so look out for those.