Friday, December 30, 2011

End Of Year Reflections

As 2012 approaches it makes me reflect on everything that has taken place in 2011. I've honestly changed a lot this year and look forward to more change in the coming year. I feel much more at peace and complete as a person than I did at the end of last year. Although not everything has turned out how I would have liked this year, what I have accomplished overshadows it. I've learned a lot about myself and it has only worked in making me stronger. The biggest thing that I set out to do this year was to put myself first and get to know myself more, and I did. For years I have been so caught up with other people that I allowed myself to sit on the back burner. That is no longer an option, I've enjoyed being selfish and making sure my needs are met before others. Slowly I have crawled out of a toxic place that I seemed to dwell in and I like the light. Although some of my plans fell through and everything didn't go as I liked I'm okay with that. I know that in this coming year I will set to rights all that went wrong within this year. I made huge strides in becoming a happier more fulfilled person and I feel it. I've learned that believing is the first step in accomplishing what I want, the second is putting action behind it. I have started on some of my goals and although they are not met yet I have done enough to make me feel proud. I've learned that letting go of negative, toxic things will set me free to grow into the person I need to be. I've learned to accept without anger the things that I cannot control and rather try to enjoy what I do have. I've learned that connecting with family although irritating as it might be at times, it is more meaningful than being alone. I've learned that being alone is good for the soul, kind of like a refresher. I've learned that I cannot be without creating. Wether that be writing, cooking, drawing, reading, sewing, editing or even doing makeup. Even daydreaming is essential to my well being. I need to be creative in order to feel productive, something I lacked before. I learned that I am much stronger and braver than I give myself credit for. I learned that it's okay to be emotional. I learned it's okay to live in the now and not stress about the tomorrow. I've learned that I do have will power and can be determined when I put my mind to it. I know that I can achieve and will achieve anything that I really want and set out to do. Nothing is too far-fetched or out of reach if I believe in it and work for it. I know that I will accomplish so much more this coming year simply because I want to. I've learned that I need to take nay-sayers words with a grain of salt in order to press on. I'm excited for 2012, it symbolizes everything that I am excited to accomplish. Although I'm sure I will slip up or have to deal with some setbacks along the way, that's life. There will always be setbacks and so long as you are patient and never take your eye off the prize you will get to your set destination. I will get to my destination, figuratively and literally. Although I was conflicted on my plans to end the New Year after reflecting I'm not any longer. I want to end the year exactly the way that I have positively transformed myself throughout. Rather than spend my time around a group of strangers that don't know me or care to I'm going to be with people who do. I'm going to ring in the new year clear headed, with my loved ones, good food and doing what I love, writing. When I thought about it, I really couldn't picture myself doing anything else that day. I'm thankful for all the blessings that I've had and all the misfortunes that taught me a lesson. So I end this year light of heart, happy and await the New Year with open arms.

Happy New Year!
xo Melissa

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