Thursday, January 12, 2012


So I haven't posted any new food posts this year, mainly because I've been in a cooking slump. I haven't been in the mood to cook and really I haven't had much of an appetite. Most of my meals have been fairly simple or ones I have already done so they haven't been blog worthy. I'm going to get back into the swing of things and cook new things. I have been thinking of maybe getting a really good vegan cookbook and challenging myself to cook from it for like a month or so. I could stand to learn more recipes and it's a way to get me out of my comfort zone and be more creative with cooking. I already have a couple of cookbooks but none of them are vegan which is why I'm thinking of buying one. Or I could make it a bit more interesting and challenge myself further to adapt the recipes in the cookbook into vegan alternatives.
Nonetheless I will be posting new recipes by the end of this week or by Monday the latest, so look out for those. 

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